Thursday, January 8, 2009

good ol' irish guilt

  • my boss has a habit of telling her employees how rad they are, myself included. i have yet to gather the heart to tell her how wrong she really is.

  • i steal cigarettes from #3 and use her face wash. i do so with great spite and righteousness.

  • i've lost the angsty edge which drove me to drink excessively and get verbally punchy. i feel like ive gone soft and am disappointing my friends.

  • i've never cheated frenchy or anonymous while playing risk. i hate myself for it.

  • the colonel is lonely and i need to clean his litter box. i'll probably just throw it all away and start over. in my defense he really does poop a lot and is quite needy.

  • when the company i worked for instituted a no-smoking policy, they probably thought they would increase my productivity or that i would eventually quit smoking. instead i just take much longer breaks.

  • i fall asleep in meetings. actually i fall asleep in EVERY meeting.