toys for tats on sunday. i have no idea where to put it much less what to get but considering that i have to pick it off the flash wall there probably isn't a lot of forethought that really can go into it. here is what i am considering as potential possibilities:
- my butt - that way i would get to moon everyone in the shop.
- back of my neck - isn't that kinda gay?
- forearm - not sure how i feel about visible tattoos.
- right arm - it's pretty barren but a $60 tattoo isn't gonna do much there and i was kinda saving that space for something else.
- arm band - preferably barbed wire.
as far as general idea for the design here is what i'm ruminating:
- a dinosaur - only a good person would get a dinosaur tattoo.
- an anchor - i always wanted to live a life at sea, next best thing i think.
- a robot - who doesn't like robots.
- one of those things with a banner where you would usually put 'mom' or the name of your sweetheart, except i'll get something like 'dumbass', 'disgruntled' or 'poontang'. 'poontang' sounds like a great idea but i have to be realistic about the possibility of ending up in jail or god forbid prison where something like that would make things very awkward, very quickly.
- a leprechan - i'm a mick what the hell do you want from me?
i think i can maximize the size of the tattoo by getting something in black and white...ehh whatever. at this point i'm really aiming to get something just absolutely ridiculous and i'd appreciate your help so if you have a suggestion please comment. i'll even allow for anonymous posts in this circumstance. matter of fact every everyone should post anon for this. it'll be a fun game and on sunday you can see if you won. i could even make a prize.
the winner of the contest gets a 6er of prb tall boys - or in the alternative the winner can watch me drink 6 pbr tall boys and have me do their bidding for 2 hours.