- worked 65 hours.
- drove some friends to portland to see dr. dog on wednesday, forced them to eat del taco.
- got kinda drunk in a random tavern (in portland) and found out i was sitting next to a guy who went to the same school (Sherman Oaks Center for Enriched Studies which actually is in Reseda and relatively speaking, no where near Sherman Oaks) as me in 4th grade. he was a year behind me so we weren't classmates or anything but it was random. we talked about the bitter science teacher with skin cancer- mr. pugh (pronounced pew as in pee-yew).
- booked a ticket to go to Slimey in may.
- got my ass handed to me in scrabble. twice.
- skated down stone to jonathans house.
- ushered in spring with a late passover sader, 3 bottles of manechewitz and a hearty bonfire at golden gardens. jumped in the sound in my skiveys. fell asleep in the sand. twice.
additionally i would be remiss if i didn't say THAT IT IS FUCKING BEAUTIFUL TODAY!!!! omfg! wtfwjd? bbq.