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trip highlights

- gave an anarchist and a quaker a ride to olympia and portland, respectively.
- the quaker asked me if "being married changed my outlook on dating or relationships?" i explained "no, i am just as sappy, stupid and trusting about these things as i always was and i continue to take everything that everyone says to me at face value" just kidding.
- beat james woodhead at scrabble.
- realized i left my photo card in my computer and bought a new one for $7.
- rode I-84, stopping at every state park that didn't have a fee.
- visited multomah falls. took generic pictures.
- entered mt. hood national forest. pulled off to try out the snowshoes.
- locked my keys in my trunk.
- tried desperately to get my dying phone to work, eventually walking into the middle of a snowy pasture where i intermittently got 1-2 bars.
- eventually got ahold of roadside assistance.
- waited two hours
- tried to remember my boy scout survival training from 16 years ago; started considering which arm i should eat first.
- it started to get cloudy.
- it started to snow.
- tow truck guy shows up.
- more showshoeing.
- ate dinner at microbrew in hood river.
- went to aunt debbie's in portland.
- told her i just wanted to rest and drive home that night. fell asleep 15 minutes later.
- woke up 10 hours later.
- drove home