- it was a company sponsored party
- i'm technically not allowed to do any work for the rest of the day on account of the fact that they gave me booze.
- i only drank 3 beers but i drank them really fast so i'm not really drunk but i have a decent buzz
- i rode the bus in today
in my previous occupational experience i never would have considered being so irresponsible. but i work for _____ and they treat people like shit. matter of fact they are widely known for treating people like shit which is why most of the people i work with are, in fact, getting drunk right now and wasting the last 2 hours of their day despite having already taken a 105 minute lunch break. this has lead me to develop a new slogan for _____'s HR department -
_____: because let's face it - there's no where else for you to work.