- Obama - fuck Nader
- Gregoire - Dino Rossi looks like a little pink penis with ears.
- I985 - opens restricted lanes during specified hours and synchronization of traffic lights; Yes, traffic sucks.
- I1000 - death with dignity; Yes, I favor death in any and all circumstances.
- I1029 - requires long term care workers to be certified as home care aides; No, it would raise health care costs for people who can barely afford them as it is.
- Congress: McDermott
- King County Charter Amendment (CA) 1 - would make elections division head a nonpartisan elected office; No. (because the league of women voters told me i should say no)
- CA2 - Shall Section 840 of the King County Charter be amended to add disability, sexual orientation, and gender identity or expression to the prohibited grounds for discrimination? Yes
- CA3 - Regional bureaucracy reduction - Yes
- CA4 - Shall Section 630 of the King County Charter be amended to authorize the county council to establish additional qualifications for separately elected officials who head
executive departments? ehh fuck why not - Yes - CA5 - Shall the King County Charter be amended to require the establishment of a forecast council and an office of economic and financial analysis? i don't know - skip it.
- CA6 - Shall Sections 410 and 420 of the King County Charter be amended to impose deadlines that are twenty days earlier than existing deadlines for county agencies to submit budget information to the county executive and for the county executive to present a proposed budget to the county council? What the hell does that even mean?
- CA7 - Shall King County Charter Section 800 be amended to establish a new process for citizens to directly propose amendments to the King County Charter and to increase the signature threshold for citizen-initiated charter amendments from 10% to 20% of the votes cast in the last election for county executive? No. Increases number of signatures needed to get a charter amendment on the ballot.
- CA8 - Shall the King County Charter be amended to make the offices of King county executive, King county assessor and King county council nonpartisan, and to establish the nonpartisan selection of districting committee members? Sure. Why not?
- Sound Transit Proposition 1 - 17.9 billion in public transportation improvements?OH FUCK YES!!!! i'll take a half cent tax increase if it means it wont take 2 hours to ride the bus to work.
- Seattle Prop 1 - property tax increase to pay for one time capital improvements to pikes market. Yes - a. i don't own property and won't have to pay for it. b. it's a nice place.
- SP 2 - property tax increase to pay for more parks. I'm gonna go with No. seattle has plenty of parks and SP1 is more important this cycle.
for everything else i'm just gonna have to wing it based on party affiliation and candidate statements.